Trading Desk

Global Trading and Trade Finance

Our mission is to maintain around the clock, 24-7 trading desks for major commodity markets. Our partners, clients and future customers seek finance for short term and long term positions. Key to trading is available inexpensive capital. The group will use its balance sheet, liquid resources and physical commodity positions in the most advantageous, risk adverse and strategic opportunities. The banking group also will maintain safe keeping and physical positions in its vaults.

Trading & Streaming Finance

Gold & Platinum Group Metals

Global trading desks with credit worthy off-takers, sovereign purchasers and to the trade. Additional participation may include ETFs, debt and equity strategies as well as crypto markets.

Rare Earth Elements

With multiple markets, global concentrations and expanding users the rare earth complex is becoming more important.

E-Commerce Reverse Logistics

Clients and tenants are seeking new markets for excess inventories. With storage and transportation a problem and cost issue. We seek to trade out these inventories for cash, commodities, timber and other value. This group can also work with our global shipping team.

Recycling & Upcycling

A byproduct of the Legacy Re Power enterprises, by law motors extracted from electric conversion must be destroyed and recycled. Along with many other components, materials and from different type of vehicles. We seek to have a zero waste process. Creating reusable metals, rebar and other forms of sheet metal will allow out system to be waste free and cost effective.